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Spookt follows one of the most compelling mysteries in horror this year.

- Movie Reviews 101

“This movie creates genuine scares throughout the uneasy mystery around the town. Haley Leary and Christen Sharice are both excellent in their leading roles. They show the nature of both the investigators and what they want to learn about the mystery.”

★★★★ Movie Reviews 101

Director Tony Reames brilliantly interweaves small-town legends and paranormal investigation in the captivating horror film #Spookt @EricRoberts #ErinBrown #HaleyLeary #KeithBrooks #AllisonMaier highlighting the irresistible appeal of the supernatural. Main protagonists Claire and Rachel, take us on a chilling journey through a town's haunted past, highlighting the gripping tension between skepticism and belief.

- Mulderville

He (Reames) imbues the story with a super spooky atmosphere, and he crafts some excellent scares that find a perfect middle ground between overly subtle and excessively in your face.

- Horror Obsessive

“Spookt is in large parts quite restrained until it wants to turn up the intensity and creates some genuinely creepy imagery and atmosphere.

- Bloody Flicks

“The film feels like a Scooby-Doo episode in a lot of ways, but that’s part of why it entertains us as much as it does […] Oh yeah, creepy kids is another horror trope we get here, and I’m for it. There are surprises abound in Spookt, so it’s well worth seeking out when it starts making the rounds.”

A- Sonic Cinema

When a horror movie ‘looks’ like one, the scare sequences are expected and as such their impact can be lessened, here though they come as more of a shock. The persistent nature of a rather creepy looking faceless doll offers sneaky but effective scares by the bucket-load.  

★★★ The Hollywood News



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